
The Process

The process is far from easy. Sometimes the procedures get in the way of the process. The checking (or completing) of tasks that are to be done put the process in jeopardy. The assessing of tasks (or projects) on the list put the process on hold. The distractions and disruptions that are part of everyday […]

The Need to Assess

“The only way to make a spoilt machine work again is to break it down, work on its inner system and fix it again. Screw out the bolts of your life, examine and work on yourself, fix your life again and get going.” ― Israelmore Ayivor Yesterday was supposed to be a big writing day.

A Lesson from “About a Boy” on Hyper-Scheduling

I recently read a piece in The Globe & Mail where one of the top tips to get things done was to “calendarize everything”. I’ll respectfully disagree on that one. Why? Well, when you schedule everything you’ve got — locking down a time of day to work on things — you give yourself no room

The Friday Five: 5 Apps Worth Checking Out

I thought I’d try something new here. I’m calling it The Friday Five, and on the first Friday of every month I’ll list 5 apps that I think are worth some of your time and attention. At first, the focus will be on iOS, Mac, and web apps, but as time goes by I’ll hopefully

When to Hold On and When to Let Go

Gary Miller Jr. of A Better Guy (and the accompanying podcast, The Better Guy Show) dropped me a line a while back asking me the following: “What criteria do you use to figure out if a project should go away or stay?” Since I returned from my travels I’ve been giving that email quite a

The Books I’ve Been Reading – August 2013

Even though I’ve been keeping myself busy with work, that doesn’t mean I haven’t had time to read. Here are some of the books that caught my attenttion over the last month as I read them. The Suitcase Entrepreneur I’ve had the opportunity to chat with Natalie online before and was really looking forward to

A Look Back at VoxPopCon 2013

Anthony Marco has quite the event on his hands…should he continue to foster it going forward. Last month I returned to where I grew up — Hamilton, Ontario — to be part of VoxPopCon, an event that could be best described as a storytelling conference. Sure, there were elements of technology and new media thrown

Using Energy Levels as Contexts

Most of the time my work doesn’t feel like “work” at all. But I know that it is because there are times when it definitely does. Like the times when I have to write when I don’t feel like writing. But those moments come few and far between. Still, there are things I have in

Making Meditation Accessible

I’m big on mindful productivity, and this morning I took the ten minutes needed to watch this TED talk by Andy Puddicombe. Then I took ten minutes later on to do what he suggests in the video below. I hope you’ll do the same.