
Generally Helpful Tips

The following is a guest post from a new friend of mine, Mark Davidson, who I had the pleasure of meeting through my friend Yukari Peerless. Mark’s a very funny and talented guy, and when I asked him if he’d be willing to write a guest post for me I was stoked when he said […]

Postbox: A Powerful Cross-Platform Email Client [Review]

It turns out that when I decided to search for a new e-mail app of choice, that Postbox won out. But I neglected to go into deeper details as to why this was the app I went with. So, to give you a better idea why Postbox isn’t just right for me but also might

On Not Writing

This past week or so has been rough. We’ve been through a lot at the Vardy household. The family car broke down while we were out of town, our kitchen was wrecked by fire, and my right hand received second-degree burns fighting said fire. Now there is no debating that I probably wouldn’t have been

The One-Handed Writing Experiment: Using Paper by 53

This is my first attempt at writing an entry since the fire. I am using mountain lions Mountain Lion’s built-in Dictation feature to write this portion, but what you’ll see below is the tactic I used to write the majority of this post. Any kind of strikers strikethroughs in this paragraph are a result of


Fire is pretty dangerous. Screw that, fire is incredibly dangerous. It deserves your respect. It deserves to be treated with respect because it can change lives in mere seconds. And it certainly changed the lives of the Vardy family yesterday. That’s because yesterday I battled a small kitchen fire in our house. Luckily, no one

The Search for My New Email App of Choice: The Winner

A couple of weeks back I started my search for a new email app of choice. I had several options I was weighing: Notify Postbox MailPlane MailMate After spending some time with each app (and some somewhat wasted time with one of these apps since it has been discontinued), I’ve rendered my decision…

The Latest

My friend Patrick Rhone still has his original iPad. So do I. That may make me one of the latest to get a new iPad, but that’s fine. Right now, my iPad does everything I need it to do…which is more than fine. It’s funny how “the latest” can have multiple meanings. It can mean the

Free Failing

“I have this image of a whole wave of stories getting posted about fear and failure that are full of humility and the messiness of real life. ” – Yuvi Zalkow My friend Yuvi Zalkow has a book out – released today – entitled A Brilliant Novel in the Works. To celebrate the launch, he

The Search for My New Email App of Choice: Notify

Before we get into this series, I want to reiterate that this is a search for my new email app of choice. The idea behind this exploration is so you can get a sense of not just what will work best for me, but what will work best for you. There have already been a