
World Domination Summit 2012: The First Event I’ve Cried At (Twice)

I needed a day to collect these thoughts into something not just comprehensive, but comprehensible. This event has a way of making you want to explain all of its marvel, but also has such a profound effect that it makes it tough to put all of it into words – at least words that are […]

Be Nimble, Then Quick

In the nursery rhyme “Jack Be Nimble”, have you ever noticed that speed comes up after agility? “Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over The candlestick.” I don’t think that it comes first just because it would otherwise screw up the rhyme. I think it’s because being nimble is more important than being

Managing Yourself

Today is, for the most part, a travel day for me as I prepare to head off to this year’s World Domination Summit in Portland. So rather than offer you something of my own here today, I’d like to highlight a series written by my good friend Raul Pacheco over at his weblog. Raul may

How to Avoid the Trap of Too Much Productivity

To celebrate the 4th of July holiday, I’m featuring a guest post today by a neighbour to the south…Mike St. Pierre. He is the President of Morris Catholic High School in Denville, NJ.  He writes about productivity at and can be followed on Twitter, @thedailysaint.  Mike lives with his wife and four children in

Too Busy

I rarely post twice per day anymore, let alone post something that is simply there to lead to another story elsewhere. But this piece by Tim Kreider entitled The ‘Busy’ Trap from The New York Times resonated with me so much — especially considering what I wrote in my post from earlier today — that

Too Many

Whenever you hear the word “many” on its own, it can be seen as generally positive or negative. Having many options is generally good. Having many chores is generally not (more so if you’re not a fan of chores). But when you put the word “too” in front of “many”, there’s not nearly the amount

Your Two Brains

The following is a guest post by Patrick Rhone. Patrick is the author of several books, including enough and his most recent work, Minimal Mac: What We Believe In. I’ve long been a fan of his writing and podcast (which is on the same network as Mikes on Mics), and I was very excited when

Happy Canada Day!

To my fellow Canuckians, such as the ones who I’ve had the good fortune of connecting with better this year, including: Pat Dryburgh Chris Bowler Brooks Duncan Adam King James Shelley André Benrubi Rob Cottingham Alexandra Samuel Justin Watt Jim Henshaw …and the gang over at Dyscultured (of course) Happy Canada Day, eh! Photo credit:

Mikes on Mics is Moving

After much discussion, both Mr. Schechter and I decided that for the sake of workflow and to allow us to be more nimble with the podcast, we are moving our release date of new episodes of Mikes on Mics to Fridays going forward. When we were contemplating how we’d handle the move, we decided that