
Two Ways to Avoid Internet Time Suck and Get More Work Done

You look up at the clock and gaze at the computer screen in disbelief. Where did the time go? There is still work to do. So you work frantically to finish and find yourself displeased with the results. It feels as if you are your own worst enemy, right? Maybe so, but let’s not jump to assumptions; before […]

Gmail Productivity

4 Ways to Boost Your Gmail Productivity for Good

According to Radicati Group, the volume for both sent and received email messages on a daily basis is estimated to be over 205 billion in 2015. The pace isn’t slowing down, either; the projected amount for the year 2019 is over 246 billion messages daily.

Considering that the total number of messages is constantly growing (which is probably going to happen in your case, too), some practical advice is needed to handle all the emails that are waiting for you.

I’m A Night Owl (And Proud Of It)

Look, I’m a night owl – and proud of it. Why? Because despite having many say that my sleeping habits make me less likely to achieve I prove them wrong. I don’t just do that every once in a while. I do it every single day.

How Did Ben Franklin and Isaac Newton Accomplish the Work of 10 People? Rigorous Note Taking

Benjamin Franklin was nothing if not diversified in his talents. The Founding Father was a printer, scientist, inventor, diplomat, postmaster general, educator, philosopher, entrepreneur, library curator, and America’s first researcher to win an international scientific reputation for his studies in electrical theory. He even made contributions to knowledge of the Gulf Stream.

How did he do it? By keeping up a highly structured daily schedule and tracking the results.

Celebrate Tonight To Boost Your Productivity Tomorrow

How can you bring more gratitude to your days on a regular basis? As you probably can guess, I’m going to encourage you to celebrate more. Now the thing is you respond to celebration differently than me, your best friend, and Paul McCartney.

You need to make a celebration plan that brings YOU the most happiness.

How To End This Month (and Start the Next Month) Right

There are certain aspects of the calendar that I really appreciate, and the end of the month is one of them. Even more so than the end of the calendar year (which – as I’ve written about – doesn’t hold as much significance for me), the end of the month is a time where I can get set for the next 30 or so days while looking back at the 30 days prior.

Start From The Edges

In order to fit your workflow (or work style) into whatever it is you’re trying to do – whether it be for an organization, your own company, or even for your family, you’d be better served to put the edge pieces in place first. They’ll give you that framework you’ll need to put things together faster and better.

Mind The Gap: 2 Ways To Find The Holes In Your Productivity

Whenever you’re starting something new – no matter what it is – if you want to get better at it then it’s important to see the gaps. You need to first recognize where the holes are in your game and then do what you can to fill them. Whether you fill those gaps up with new approaches, tools that can handle them, or bridging them with existing approaches and tools, you need to fill them in order to improve. And your productivity is no different.