Celebrating Brett Terpstra

Today has been dubbed Terpstra Day by Gabe over at MacDrifter. Several folks on the Internet are joining Gabe in the celebration (including my podcasting partner Michael Schechter), so I thought I’d join in as well. To celebrate the occasion, I’m going to share with you a brief story about the first time I met Brett Terpstra.

I had known of the man named Brett Terpstra for a long time before I had the chance to meet him in January of this year at MacWorld. I had adopted the use of Markdown primarily due to his fork of Notational Velocity known as nvAlt and his Marked app. I knew I wanted to meet him at MacWorld; he was one of the many on my list…and he was right near the top of said list.

I didn’t know today was his birthday, but it is.

What’s cool about that is that we share a birthday month. What’s even cooler is that when I did meet him at MacWorld, he was just as excited to meet me as I was him.

We met at the “Nerd Breakfast” that was arranged by David Sparks, where folks like Ben Brooks, Brett Kelly, Stephen Hackett, Shawn Blanc and more assembled in a joint right near where the San Francisco trolley tourist trap begins. I sat next to Mr. Terpstra, and we talked about Asana, productivity, Canada, apps, and a whole lot more.

And it was awesome, as I expected it would be.

Here’s to you, Brett Terpstra. May you continue to code and make things better for us Mac geeks. And may we cross paths again sooner rather than later.

Photo credit: TUAW