Contextually Speaking

I’ve been writing a lot about contexts over the years here at Productivityist. Here’s a small sampling of articles that either revolves around the idea of contexts or focus on how they can help you with your productivity levels:

This week I took the topic of contexts and brought it to my new podcast, The Productivityist Podcast.

The podcast has been going strong for nearly three months now, and this week guests Sven Fechner of SimplicityBliss and Kevin Rothermel were on to discuss the idea of contexts. We talk about how they’ve evolved, what ones they use, and how contexts can really help you take your productivity to greater heights.

This is the first in a two-part episode, with next week’s episode featuring two different guests to discuss the same topic.

I want to thank Sanebox for sponsoring this week’s episode of The Productivityist Podcast. If you want to make email work for you, then go to and when you sign up for a free trial you’ll get a $25 credit towards your SaneBox subscription.

If you want to help support the podcast, head over to the podcast’s Patreon page. There are a number of perks, and any support you offer will help make the podcast even better.