Welcome DEG Consulting Readers!

Welcome DEG Consulting Readers!

Thank you for clicking through and checking out what we have to offer at Productivityist.

Productivityist is a company dedicated to helping people get more out of their work and their lives. Our goal is to focus on practical and mindful approaches to productivity so that you can spend more time and energy on the things that will really move you forward in the direction that you really want to go.

As the founder of Productivityist, I am grateful that you’ve taken the time to explore what I’m doing with the site and I hope you’ll stick around to see where I’m taking the company over the long term. Daniel has delivered the goods at DEG Consulting for many years, whether it is through his blog posts, e-books, productivity resources, and the GTD Virtual Study Group. My aim is to deliver the goods here at Productivityist in a similar fashion. In fact, I’m working on several projects right now that will make this site and my company better than ever.

Here’s what’s available right now:

The Productivityist Newsletter

If you want exclusive content and offers delivered straight to your email inbox every two weeks, then you’ll want to sign up for The Productivityist Newsletter. You’ll also receive advance notice of any new products and resources that we’re cooking up here at Productivityist, along with some recommended reads that you might have otherwise missed and a Productivityist Pointer – a quick tip designed to save you valuable time and energy. As a special bonus, when you first sign up you’ll get a copy of my manifesto, The Way of The Productivityist.

Just enter your name and email below to sign up for The Productivityist Newsletter.


Productivityist Coaching

Whenever I deliver a talk or workshop, I’m always asked if I offer any sort of coaching services. There’s just something about a one-to-one experience that you just can’t get in a group or company workshop setting. That’s why I’m pleased to offer a limited number of one-to-one Productivityist Coaching opportunities.

If you’re looking for the complete Productivityist Coaching experience, I suggest you book the 4 hour program which covers the most critical components you’ll need to be more effective and efficient in your work and home life. I also offer one-hour sessions, and efficient and effective call where we can cover a wide variety of subjects that are challenging you.

A Productivityist Coaching Program (4 hours) is regularly $600 , but as a DEG Consulting reader you will receive 30% off. You can purchase the Productivityist Coaching Program for only $420 here.

A Productivityist Coaching Session (1 hour) is regularly $200, but as a DEG Consulting reader you will receive 30% off. You can purchase a Productivityist Coaching Session for only $140 here.

Productivityist Products

We offer ebooks that aim to help you get a better handle on several aspects of personal and professional productivity, and are developing online courses, workshops, and other products to add to our Productivityist Store catalog soon. Listed below are our self-published titles.

The Productivityist Workbook

The Productivityist Workbook is ideal for those who are just starting to work on improving their productivity, but it presents ideas for the seasoned productivityist, as well. The Productivityist Workbook is accessible both in content and in price. The workbook is digitally shipped in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI (for Amazon Kindle) formats, and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So for the price of a decent latté, you’ll get something that can help you level up your productivity across several areas of your work and your life.

The Productivityist Workbook is regularly $5, but as a DEG Consulting reader you will receive 50% off. You can purchase The Productivityist Workbook by clicking here.

The NOW Year: A Practical Guide to Calendar Management

In The NOW Year I dive deeper into the details of calendar management, offering tactics, tools, and tricks to make your calendar a valuable ally in your quest to stop “doing productive” and start “being productive.”

The NOW Year includes a 28 page eBook in PDF, EPUB, and Amazon Kindle (MOBI) formats, complete with exercises and audio interviews with online colleagues who are making things happen each and every day. You’ll also get version updates for free throughout the the life of the first edition, as well as additional bonus materials that will be released between November 2013 and December 2014.

The NOW Year is regularly $5, but as a DEG Consulting reader you will receive 50% off. You can purchase The NOW Year by clicking here.

Book Me to Speak

If you’re interested in booking a workshop or want me to come speak at your event, send an email to info@mikevardy.com and mention that you are a DEG Consulting reader to get 30% off my regular rates.

Want more? You can read more of my work at the Productivityist blog.

Thanks again for checking out what I’m offering here at Productivityist. I hope to continue the trend that Daniel started over at DEG Consulting, and hope you’ll join me along the way.


Mike Vardy

Founder, Productivityist