Escaping The Noise And Leveraging The Quiet


This piece originally appeared in The Productivityist Weekly newsletter. My weekly email is now called ATTN: and I’d love to send it your way. Just click here to make that happen now or sign up using the form at the end of this piece. Thanks!

As I write this, everyone else in the house is sleeping. I’m looking out at a great view, but the only things I can hear are my inner thoughts and the clacking of the keyboard. To be honest, my inner thoughts are much louder than the keyboard clacking.

You see, the daytime is loud. So many inputs being filled with stuff. There are so many disruptions.

So much noise.

Too much noise.

The noise is hard to escape, and it follows me as long as it can. But when I make an effort to embrace the silence, I’m no longer running away from anything. Instead, I’m still. And that’s where the magic starts to happen.

More often than not, the magic starts for me during the later hours of the day.

This is the time when I can really think and process everything that has happened throughout the day. It’s when I can sit down and really map out the day to come. It’s when I have the clarity I need to ensure my intentions are being met and are getting the attention they deserve.

This – the quiet – is why I’m a night owl.

The quiet is where I am able to do my best work. For some, the quiet can happen in the early morning or in the late evening.

The quiet serves me because I listen to what’s held within it. The quiet helps me move forward when I feel I’m stuck in one place.

I know I wouldn’t value the quiet without having to deal with the noise in the first place. But I’m sure glad I’ve figured out how to find the quiet when I need it.

I haven’t just figured how to find the quiet, I’ve also found out how to leverage it. I journal at night because the quiet gives me the ability to log my day with purpose. I write at night because I have the focus to do my craft justice.

I also plan at night because I think clearer at this point in the day. This serves me the next day when I’m simply not able to focus on anything of great depth or importance as soon as I get out of bed.

If you want to leverage the quiet to be more productive, then I encourage you to pick up The Night Owl Action Plan. You’ll get The Night Owl Action Plan Guide, a 40 minute audio Program, an Evening Quickstart Guide, and additional bonus materials through regular updates all for just $10. Click here to start levelling up your late nights tonight!