Events on the Horizon

As February draws to a close, I’m going to conduct a bit of housekeeping here. This housekeeping revolves around some events I’m going to be at over the next couple of months, some of which I am organizing and some of which I am not.
So I’ll get right to it…

On Thursday March 14th, I’ll be in Delta, BC with several other speakers (including my friend Brooks Duncan of DocumentSnap) talking all things productivity at ProTECHtivity, the brainchild of Steve Dotto. Plenty of Canadians know Steve from his days on television and from his current radio show in Vancouver (I’ve been a guest on several shows), and I’m excited to be presenting a couple of sessions during the day-long event. You can learn more about the event and get your tickets here, and be sure to use the promotional code VARDYGUEST to save 20% off the price.

In Victoria, I’ve got a few events going on over the next several weeks. First up is Social Flow: How to Win at Social Media Without Losing Productivity, a joint effort between myself and Lorraine “Raincoaster” Murphy on Tuesday March 26th from 6–9 pm. This three-hour boot camp is designed to help those who are struggling with balancing their time spent on social media and doing all of the other work on their plate. For more information on this event, click here.1

I’m also bringing back the Ready Retreat Workshop Series in April. From 5:30 to 6:30 pm every Thursday in April, folks in the Victoria area will be able to spend an hour with me in workshops discussing time management, idea management, task management, and email management. For more information on the live Ready Retreat sessions in Victoria, click on the following links:

  • Ready Retreat: Time Management Workshop
  • Ready Retreat: Idea Management Workshop
  • Ready Retreat: Task Management Workshop
  • Ready Retreat: Email Management Workshop

If you want to buy tickets for all four workshops to save a bit of cash – click here.2

Finally, I’ll be appearing at Social Media Camp. This year the even takes place from May 6 through May 8th, and my talk will be on Tuesday May 7th – Productivity Power Session: Learn the Tools, Tactics, & Workflows of Highly Productive Bloggers – and the event is loaded with great speakers like Mari Smith, Amy Porterfield, C.C. Chapman, and more. For tickets, head over to the Social Media Camp website. Be sure to use my last name as a code to get 10% off any of the three pass levels.3

As you can see, there are plenty of events on the horizon – and I’m hoping this is a sign of things to come. Especially with The Front Nine coming out in print in March (but more on that later).

1 Due to low pre-registrations, I’ve had to conacel this event. Sigh.
2 I’ve cancelled these workshops. Just too much going on right now to conduct any other live events.
3 And if you’re not getting enough social media from this event, there’s always the Social Media Cruise in September. Head over here for more detals on that event…and tell Alex I sent you.