Everything in Evernote

Maybe it’s because I’m eyes deep into Tim Ferriss’s new book, The 4-Hour Chef 1. Maybe it’s because I haven’t conducted any experiments with apps in a while. Maybe it’s because a Twitter exchange or two inspired me.
No matter what it is, I’m about to go all in on Evernote.

I’ve written about how I use Evernote in the past, but this is a whole new ball game I’m playing here. Starting tomorrow (and for the next 30 days), I am going to attempt to use Evernote exclusively for the following:

  • Individual task management
  • Contact management
  • Web bookmarking for reading later
  • Writing blog posts
  • …and a whole lot more.

Why am I doing this?

First off, I want to fully immerse in Evernote – it’s long overdue. I also want to get a better idea of where Evernote can fit in for just about anyone, productivityist or otherwise.

I know there will be aspects that it won’t be able to fill in all of the blanks. For example, while I can share notebooks with collaborators and put together some ad hoc team management system within Evernote, I don’t want to add friction to those collaborations. So I’ll stick with the tools we are using in tandem (Asana, etc.) during this experiment.

I will also use the additional Evernote products during the next 30 days, including Skitch and my Evernote Smart Notebook, for example. In fact, that is a requirement of the experiment. Evernote Hello will be my contact management option, I’ll use Evernote Food more regularly, and I’ll be clipping like crazy with the Evernote Web Clipper. I am also free to use any system or product that uses Evernote as its foundation, including anything from Evernote Trunk and The Secret Weapon. I’ll also use all of the platforms I’ve got Evernote installed on: OS X, iOS, and the web app.

(I may even consult with those who have far more experience with Evernote than yours truly, like Brett Kelly and Dan Gold. We’ll see.)

This is going to be fun to do. I’m sure it’ll be fun to follow along in my adventure as well.

1 By the way, I’ll be posting my review of the book here tomorrow.