How to “Do” Family Day Better

How to "Do" Family Day Better

I’m typing this with a little over 30 minutes of time left to spare. That’s because it’s Family Day and it’s almost time for a “Zombie Nerf War” with my wife and son.

Family Day (the holiday) is held on the third Monday of February in my province. The idea behind it is to give families an opportunity to enjoy each others’ company and spend time together. It’s taken pretty seriously, too.

Let me give you an example.

My daughter and I decided to go for a coffee date on this Family Day. We found that several places we wanted to go to were closed. They were closed for – you guessed it – Family Day. (Ah, the irony.)

“A family is not an important thing, it’s everything.”

Michael J. Fox

I suppose having a day like this brings greater awareness to the above quote. In the “hecticity” of life, there’s a risk we lose sight of what’s really important. And that is family… no matter how we define it.

I think that’s why I celebrate one family day every single week of the year.

Try A Weekly Family Day

You see, every Saturday I give my overarching focus to family activities. These types of activities include going to the movies with my kids, handling errands and household chores, and connecting with other types of family (friends and members of TimeCrafting Trust Premium).

That dedication to a single day of each week is crucial for me. It means I have a placeholder for those kind of tasks – the intentions that might not get the attention they deserve if such a day didn’t exist for me.

Family Day is an example of a Daily Theme, something I give to 6 days of the week. Daily Themes are designed to give an overarching focus for types of tasks that are related to an area of my life – work and home – that need sustained and regular attention.

Want a look at all of my Daily Themes? You can find them on my /now page.

Family Day is the Daily Theme that most people choose first when I teach this to them. I think it’s because family isn’t just the most important thing to them… it’s everything.

So if you’re like most people – including the ones I teach – then consider adding more than just one Family Day per year to the mix. Make it a weekly thing.

It’s worth it.