There are ways to finish the week strong.
You can dedicate all of your focus and attention on one single task.
You can dedicate your focus and attention on one single project.
You can simply write everything down that you’re going to do bit by bit and then check things off as you do them.
Maybe you took the garbage out. Maybe you cooked dinner. Maybe you sent that one email you’ve been meaning to send for a while and that’s about it.
Maybe you just watch the video below to reinforce what I’m sharing with you here.
Finishing the week strong isn’t about doing as much as possible. It’s about doing what you can do.
Take some time right now and just write all the things down that you did today.
Every last thing.
Then take a look at it as you cross those things off that you did.
You’re going to have a sense of accomplishment. You’re going to feel productive.
Then use that (and maybe a little of this) as fuel to start the next week even stronger.