Freelance Camping: It’s Good for You

This Saturday I’m heading off to YYJFreelanceCamp, which is an uncoference of sorts being held at the new InHub coworking space in my hometown of Victoria, BC. What exactly is YYJFreelanceCamp? Well…it’s:

“…a space where you can meet local freelancers, solopreneurs, small business owners.  Learn from their experience, and offer your own words of wisdom.  FreelanceCamp is about discussion – and we’re looking forward to hearing what you have to say.” – via

And what is an unconference? Well, it’s:

“…a facilitated, participant-driven conference centered on a theme or purpose. What does that mean?  You get to choose who the presenters for the day will be.” – again, via

I may very well be presenting a session. I am, however, very well doing something at the end of the event, akin to a closing wrap-up talk (or something to that effect). While it won’t be exactly the same thing that I did at 604FreelanceCamp, it will be a thing.

If you haven’t got tickets yet, you’d better. They’re almost gone.