Getting into Flow

Last month I began a series of posts outlining my transition from task management software solution OmniFocus to one of the newest players on the market, Flow.
If you’re not aware of Flow, give Back to Work a listen as Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin have been discussing it (Flow has sponsored some recent episodes of the very popular podcast), and check out the video at the bottom of this post, put together by the uber-talented Adam Lisagor.

The first two parts talked about the beginning of the transition, and mainly discussed how I was going to fold my family obligations into my productivity habits — and bringing my wife along for the ride. The next two parts are going to offer a head-to-head between the two software offerings, so they’ve taken a little longer to get out of my head and onto “virtual paper”, because there’s been a hell of a lot to capture on the matter.

Watch for parts three and four of the series coming soon, but in the interim check out parts one and two of The Great Productivity Shift over at the Flow blog.1

1 Full disclosure: I am being compensated for this series by the creators of Flow, MetaLab. That said, I’ve been given free reign over all of the content, as they want genuine feedback from somebody who essentially “live and breathes” in the productivity realm.