Hello…Marked 1.4

I had the opportunity to meet Brett Terpstra at Macworld | iWorld, and we had some pretty great conversations in the brief time we had to chat. Since I’d been using Markdown for a while, I’d become more familiar with his work than ever before — and when I got the chance to try out Marked…I gave it a go.

Well, today he’s announced the release of Marked 1.4, which has a slew of features that he’s added on to an already stellar piece of software. Much like my friend Patrick Rhone, I haven’t put Marked through the full paces as of yet, so I’m going to spend the better part of this coming week getting better acquainted with it.

I’ll report back next week with a more in-depth look at Marked, but based on what I’ve used of it (and based on what else it can do), I highly suggest you grab you check out the app’s standalone site and then grab it from The App Store.