Introducing The Productivityist Workbook

The Productivityist Workbook is designed to help you learn valuable strategies and explore tools that will allow you to attack your work and life with a more balanced, efficient, and effective approach.

The Productivityist Workbook is ideal for those who are just starting to work on improving their productivity, while presenting ideas that will work for the seasoned productivityist, as well. The Productivityist Workbook is accessible both in content and in price.

The Story Behind The Productivityist Workbook

Originally packaged as The Ready Retreat Digital Workbooks, I took a good, long look at them in that format. After doing so, I came to a couple of conclusions:

  • They were too short to be sold individually … and I also felt too valuable to be offered for free.
  • The Ready Retreat branding was better suited for something bigger, like an actual event that people would attend. The workbooks could still be offered for those who did attend the live event, but on their own the naming convention just didn’t work.
  • They were priced too high, both as individual workbooks and as a four book package. Yep, I felt that while they did have value, the price of $39.99 for the complete package of workbooks was too much to ask.

After coming to these realizations, I took action.

First, I contacted anyone who bought the series of workbooks at their old price and offered them some form of compensation for placing their trust in my product at such an early phase. After all, I didn’t want any hard feelings or buyer’s remorse impacting my long-term relationship with them.

Secondly, I decided to stop selling the workbooks individually. The workbook would also be renamed The Productivityist Workbook—a 36 page digital workbook that covers all four elements mentioned above.

Thirdly, I decided to price the workbook at only $5.

Finally, I’m also now offering a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. If you don’t feel like you’ve gotten your money’s worth, then simply get in touch with me and I’ll refund your money.

So for the price of a decent latté, you’ll get an e-workbook in PDF format (with additional formats coming soon) that can help you level up your productivity across severf your work and your life.

The Productivityist Workbook is divided into four sections that each devote time to a specific area that can impact your productivity:

Idea Management

The problem with ideas is not whether or not they are good; it’s how we can take those ideas that have the potential to be good and make them great. The process of seeing an idea through from start to finish is hard, and knowing when to pursue an idea and when to let it go is even more challenging.

In this section, I will provide you with tips, tools, and strategies that will help you do just that.

Time Management

Every one of us on this planet has the exact same amount of time in the day to deal with—it’s how we choose to deal with it that separates us. One of the biggest barriers when it comes to productivity is the notion that we simply don’t have enough time. With all that comes our way nowadays, there’s good reason that this notion exists and is held by many.

In this section, I will offer you a better understanding of how time plays a role in your productivity and how you can really take advantage of every moment.

Email Management

The technology of email is wonderful in that we can actually communicate with each other from opposite ends of the globe or from right next door with just a few keystrokes and a “whoosh” from our computer’s speakers, but it has come at a cost and is getting out of control.

In this section, I will share the tips, tricks, and tactics you can use to treat email in a way that allows you to be productive both inside your email application and beyond it.

Task Management

Task management is one of the hardest things to get a handle on because many of us don’t know the difference between a task and a project, goal, or something similar. Further to that, we often use the wrong tools—and mindset, for that matter—when dealing with tasks.

In this section, I will help you not only clearly identify what a task is, but to identify how to manage all the tasks you deal with today and going forward. I’ll offer tools and mindset suggestions to employ to help you figure out what tasks you need to do, what tasks you need to delegate, and what tasks you need to delete.

The Productivityist Workbook is a great starting point for those new to the world of personal productivity and who want to spend more time being productive rather than simply doing productive. So if you’re looking to up your game without breaking the bank, pick up The Productivityist Workbook and start boosting your productivity today!

Note: I’m using Squarespace Commerce for my sales, but understand the need to make this shift slowly. So if you want to use PayPal to buy The Productivityist Workbook, click here.