Introducing…The Ready Retreat Series

Before I make some of the big changes here at the weblog, I’ve decided to make one of my first big announcements since leaving Lifehack and forging out on my own once more. Today I’m announcing my new series of workshops that aim to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness by exploring a series of topics that we can all struggle with from time to time.
Today I’m introducing The Ready Retreat Series.

First off, let me describe what a Ready Retreat is and why I chose that name.

A Ready Retreat is a workshop that allows attendees to take a step back from the day-to-day and learn about valuable strategies and tools that will allow them to be ready to attack their work and life with a more balanced, efficient, and effective approach. Each Ready Retreat session devotes time to a specific area that can impact one’s productivity, be it email, task, time, idea, or goal management.

When attendees leave a Ready Retreat, they’ll be more than equipped to take on everything that comes at them — they’ll be ready.

I chose the name because I believe we often take a step back — retreat — in order to better plan how we can move forward and make progress in a more efficient and effective way. With these workshops I plan to help people take that step back and move forward — rather than sideways or further backward — through the examination of tips, tools, and tactics.

I’m launching my first series of live Ready Retreat workshops starting in my hometown of Victoria, BC. I plan to bring them online in the form of a webinar series in early 2013, and I have plenty of other surprises in store regarding this new venture of mine.1

That said, for those of you who are willing to make the trek to Victoria for my first Ready Retreat workshops, they will taking place on the following dates and times at the 24 Carrot Centre (located on the 2nd Floor at 714 Discovery Street). Click on any of the workshops below to get more information about each and to buy tickets.

Each workshop is $35 (plus a small Eventbrite service fee), and if you want to save some money you can buy a ticket for all 4 Ready Retreat workshops for just $100 by clicking here.

I’m incredibly excited to get this new series of workshops underway — and hopefully they’ll lead to much bigger things for everyone who attends (and for yours truly).

Keep in mind this is just the beginning…I’ve got more coming next week. I’ll write more about that on Friday.

1 If you’d like me to bring a Ready Retreat to your area, please contact me. I’d love to bring this workshop series to as many people as possible in a live and interactive setting.