It’s About Time

Today I unveil the newly-transformed, reborn as And I couldn’t be more excited about it.
Let’s get started with the accolades…and then we’ll jump into a small tour of the place.

First off, I’d like to thank Gabe Weatherhead (aka MacDrifter) for recommending the switch to WebFaction. Even in the short time we’ve been testing the site out before launch (including putting on WebFaction as well for some of the content moves), the site is much snappier than it’s ever been.1 If you want to try out WebFaction, I’ve got an affiliate badge in the sidebar that you can click on so that you can give it a try for yourself.

Secondly, thanks to CM Smith for building the site. He has spent a lot of time putting things together here, making sure everything is working properly, and going above and beyond to make this transition as smooth as possible. I highly encourage you check out his site, DevBurner, to read his work and connect with him. He’s an awesome guy and a great friend.

Finally, I’d like to thank you for coming along for the ride. Many of you have associated me with the term “productivityist” and that helped me decide on a new name and (somewhat) new direction for this site. Thank you so very much.

I’ve also implemented some new directives with the debut of, and that includes the following:

  • A regular newsletter that features exclusive content and a more. Those who sign up for it will be able to download a revamped ebook based on my manifesto, The Way of The Productivityist. (Jared Latigo freshened up the look of the ebook, so a big shoutout to him for that). You can sign up for the newsletter by clicking here.
  • A new Archives page that features every single article ever published during the lifespan of both and (We’re still fine-tuning the look of this page, but it works and you can review everything I’ve written on this site on that page.)
  • A Resources page that features a store where you can buy my ebooks and sign up for upcoming workshops. I’ll be releasing workbooks in the near future and there will be more digital products to come.

Now that both and have gone through major redesigns (I’ll be adding images back to the posts here soon), it’s time to start getting some more quality content up here on a regular basis. The past few weeks have been hectic, but for the rest of the year and beyond I’ll be taking things to another level once more. Exciting times are ahead…times where I will be having to call on all of my tools and tactics to make sure they are as exciting as possible.

Welcome to I’m glad you’re here.

1 And the support I received during the stalled launch — my own fault — was just as fast..