Keeping It Straight

Patrick Rhone has written an incredible book that came out yesterday. It’s called Keeping It Straight: You, Me and Everything Else and he was kind enough to provide an advance copy for me to read. And read it I did.1
The timing of this book’s release couldn’t have been better, considering my foray into full time stay-at-home fatherhood. I needed to realign my life so that it would best serve my family and my creative desires and to be able to have this as a companion guide as I started on this journey was an asset. Patrick is a craftsmen, a wordsmith. He writes so well that it makes it difficult for the reader to put the book down but also makes the reader want to put it down for further contemplation.

If you need to get some perspective into what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and — most importantly — why you’re doing it, then you absolutely must pick up Keeping It Straight. It is truly a holistic reading experience.

Keeping It Straight is available is available in paperback, ePub, PDF, or Kindle.

1 I’ll be offering a more thorough review of the book in the coming days. Expect an “alterna-review” from my alter-ego at Eventualism, well…eventually.