Leaving Lifehack

The title says it all, really. As of the end of this month, I’m no longer going to be the Managing Editor at Lifehack.

This wasn’t a decision I came to lightly…by any means. There were a number of factors that led to my decision, but the primary one was that my obligations were getting out of whack. I wasn’t doing my best as a stay-at-home father as my own projects and my responsibilities at Lifehack were expanding to the point of overwhelm. So, as I’d done before when facing work-based decisions, I weighed everything. I actually did The Big Paper Exercise I wrote about not too long ago to work things through. And the results were what I expected: Lifehack had to go.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Lifehack. I’ve worked with some great contributors and a great guy (and friend) in CM Smith (who I’ll work with in some capacity down the road, I’m sure). The Stepcase management team – Leon Ho and Hoi Wan – have also been great. I learned a lot during my time at Lifehack and it was a rewarding experience.

So…what’s next for me?

Well, for starters, I’ve got my own projects I’m working on. Family comes first, and these projects will help me make sure that happens.

I’m definitely not abandoning this blog either. In fact, I expect it to grow as it goes through a new phase in its evolution.1 I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire right now and I’m looking forward to seeing them through to completion faster than I’d been able to deliver before. I’m also going to take on other assignments throughout the process, so I’m sure you’ll see my name pop up on other sites quite regularly. I am, after all, a writer and a productivityist. Both of these things are in my makeup.

I’ll dive deeper into these projects in future posts, but for now I just wanted to let those know that have dealt with me in my role at Lifehack that I’ll be doing my thing here and elsewhere going forward. I’ll be busy until the end of the month closing any open loops I have over at Lifehack and preparing for the exciting adventure ahead.

I hope you’ll join me for the ride.

Photo credit: Peter Kaminski (CC BY 2.0)

Watch for big changes here on November 1.