Life Going into the Fourth Quarter of 2012

(Note: This post went out to my Front Nine newsletter subscribers yesterday. Considering it is a more personal type of newsletter post — as in, I don’t that much about the book – I thought I’d make it available here as well. If you want to get updates on the book, then you can subscribe to the newsletter here.)

As we head into the last quarter of the calendar year, I find myself exceedingly busy. And that’s a very good thing. Because I’ve managed to get myself to a point where the things I’m exceedingly busy with all involve aspects of my work and home life that I simply love doing.

I love being a husband and a father. I love being a writer. I love being a productivityist. I love performing in front of people. And this week I get to do all of that.

The Home

We are living among renovations right now, as painters paint and floorers, well….floor. It’s been like that for two weeks now, and we’re hoping by Friday that we can finally have our kitchen back. My hand is in much better shape now, with only some scar tissue to show off as a war wound from the fire. All in all, as the fourth quarter of the calendar year begins, so do we get to move forward with a fresh coat of paint in our home and a fresh outlook on the months ahead.

Speaking of moving forward…

The Book

I’m going over the book with a fine tooth comb for any problems and will be sending it off to Diversion this week. I can’t tell you how good it feels to have finished it – and finished it the way I wanted to finish it. Writing a book of any length is hard, and while others who started after me have finished a while ago…I didn’t want to rush it. After all, I had to manage the process with the other things I love (including writing here, albeit less frequently) and I hope you’ll find the results as rewarding as I found delivering them to you.1

The Speaking

This week I’m presenting my work in three different arenas publicly. I’m speaking on Tuesday at the Victoria Business Moms meetup on “How to Avoid Busywork Both Online and Offline”. On Wednesday I’m off to Vancouver to present my talk “The Social Media/Productivity Balancing Act” to what appears to be a sold-out crowd at Social Media Week Vancouver. Finally, on Thursday I’m going to be doing a webinar with the Freelance Writer’s Den where the topic will be productivity for writers (and I’ll be launching my first product during this webinar, so I’m really excited about that part as well).

The Rest

There is no rest for the wicked, as the say. So I suppose I’m wicked this week. I’m fine with that, because I get to do all of the things I enjoy doing in one jam-packed week.

Although I’m busy, I’m not feeling overwhelmed. And that’s how I know I’m doing the right things, instead of just doing things.

Photo credit: Daniel X. O’Neil (CC BY 2.0)

1 I guess what I’m saying here in as cryptic a manner as I can is: when my book comes out, please buy it. Thanks.

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