Looking at Best Practices

On the recommendation of my Mikes on Mics co-host, Michael Schechter, I have started to read The Journal of Best Practices by David Finch. David just so happens to be the guest on this week’s episode, and based on the fact that we barely scratched the surface of what we could have talked about I think it is safe to say he’ll be making a return appearance on the show. Until then, you can listen to his first appearance here.

While I’m diving into reading David’s book, I’m also starting to practice some of what’s in it. And I’m going beyond that as well, starting with exploring some of the apps I’ve either neglected or unintentionally abandoned. Patrick and Myke talk about some of the apps that bring them joy on this week’s episode of Enough, and the ones that I’m diving back into that they mentioned are Quotebook and comiXology.

I’ve grabbed some of the Green Lantern catalog in comiXology on my iPad and it sure is a pleasure to use. As a result, I’m having to demonstrate Green Lantern-like willpower from overloading the app with some of my favourite comics all too quickly.

Quotebook is another story. I haven’t gotten back into yet, so over the next week I’m going to start to populate it with quotes and get more familiar with the app on the whole. I’ll chronicle my findings here sometime later this month.

And you can quote me on that.