Macworld | iWorld 2012: Day One

Here’s what I’ve learned in the first day of my time at Macworld | iWorld:

  • San Francisco is, not surprisingly, an awesome city.
  • The Neat Company is going to do what they can to conquer the digital realm as they seem to have done with the paper realm. I may have to bid adieu to Paperless if what I saw today holds true.
  • Randy Murray was right. There are a lot of iPhone cases being peddled here. Too much of a lot.
  • I have met some more of the folks I follow online in person and that’s the main reason I came here. Getting to meet Ben Brooks, Shawn Blanc, Matthew Panzarino, Stephen Hackett, Pat Dryburgh and countless others so far (with more to come, I’m sure) has been pretty amazing.
  • Brett Kelly is one of the raddest people I know.
  • I cannot believe how much I miss my family.
  • PDFPen for iPad looks awesome.
  • The Omni Group is going to make more waves in the year ahead. And Ken Case is a super-nice guy.
  • David Sparks: Also a super-nice guy.
  • I sure am glad I’ve decided to focus on quality over quantity in my writing, because it’s been said I was more frequent than funny when I played a character on the Internet.1

I’m a little over a day in to my first ever Macworld | iWorld experience, so there’ll be more to learn and more to be said here later on.

Maybe even tomorrow.

He’ll be back by the way. Less frequently and more eventually. Which should see both improved productivity (ironically) and improved funny.