Mike Techniques: A Productive Pairing

I really want to do something different around here.
I’ve started to do just that, and today I’m adding even more to the mix. I’m also subtracting something, but what I’m adding in is going to make the mixture even better.

You see, I’m embarking on another collaboration with my Mikes on Mics co-host, Michael Schechter. Our efforts have created another productive pairing. And I’m really excited about it.

Today we’re launching Mike Techniques, a joint email newsletter of Productivityist.com and A Better Mess. It’s a premium newsletter, filled with exclusive content. And it’s free.

There are a number of reasons we’ve joined forces on this, but ultimately is that we wanted to offer our readers one step beyond what we normally do at our own sites. By subscribing to Mike Techniques you’ll get a recap of what we’ve done at our respective sites (that’s going to happen monthly – in our Monthly Review segment), as well as these other goodies:

  • A subscriber-only podcast: This podcast – aptly called Mike Techniques – will feature the things we don’t normally air on Mikes on Mics. To be clear, it isn’t an “off the record” podcast, it’s more along the lines of conversations we have with each other (and sometimes individually with others) that are more “off the cuff” than anything else.
  • Exclusive written stuff: Both of us will contribute exclusive written material that may or may not fit in with our blogs (or will riff on something that seems to veer away from our standard fare). We’ll probably take turns doing this, so that way our workflow patterns aren’t too disrupted. That’s kind of how we roll.
  • The occasional promotion: From time to time, Schechter and I may have own side projects that we’d like to share with Mike Techniques subscribers. It won’t happen all that often, but it will happen. That’s also a result of how we roll.

But the addition of this collaboration means the subtraction of another individual effort.

Those of you who remember when Schechter and I started Mikes on Mics will recall that I retired my solo podcast, ProductiVardy. I’m doing the same with the Productivityist.com weekly newsletter. Anyone who is currently subscribed to it has been rolled over into Mike Techniques (where you can unsubscribe if you’d like at any time). You can still get just my stuff by subscribing to the RSS feed or simply signing up for the Productivityist.com RSS to email list. But if you want to get double the Mike for a whole lot more goodness, then I suggest you subscribe to Mike Techniques.

We plan to deliver the goods, and we hope you’ll be there to receive them.