More Another Things: 120 and Linchpinnery

I’m going to do my darndest to post “weekdaily” here, but Fridays is pretty much going to serve as a Day of Recap for the week.
So, to recap:

Dyscultured #120

In another slightly rage-fueled edition of the weekly live stream/podcast wherein Anthony Marco, Andrew Currie, Shane Birley and I discuss pop culture and tech from the Canuck angle, usage-based billing was on our minds. We also talked Bieber, mobile tech and other things like the “wonderful” redesign of the Gawker sites implemented this past week. While there was no Shane this week1 , there was plenty of chatter in the chatroom. You can be part of said chatter every Wednesday at 10 pm EST/7 pm PST.

Getting Your Brand “Scaped”

I was truly honoured that my good friend Jason Finnerty asked me if I’d be willing to be interviewed as the first person in his “Local Linchpin” series. Jason is a class act and if you get a chance to work with him, you shouldn’t hesitate. He’s a dedicated and committed guy.2 Let Jason help you with your “brandscaping” — it’s a smart move.

1 He was off making sexy-time with Vancouver bloggers.
2 He also enjoys a good bevvy over lunch. Just one, though..