More Another Things: 121 and Productive Magazine

This week’s been a big one. Lots of writing, lots of publishing, lots of editing and lots of other “lots” went down.1
First off, my Clean Writer experience may end a little earlier than I’d like. Maybe I started the whole iPad writing app experiment with the app that was the cream of the crop, but I’m getting frustrated by this latest app trial run already. I’m going to press on, but I don’t know how long it’ll last. More on my impressions on Clean Writer next week.

As for the other highlights of this past week…

Dyscultured #121

Usage-based billing was again a big topic of discussion on this week’s podcast. Andrew lamented the fate of Nokia thanks to their recent decision to get in bed with Microsoft and I revealed that I watched Bieber’s early work just to see what the big deal was back when he was discovered.2 Shane demonstrated his mastery of the segue upon his return this week and I’m pretty sure Anth ranted at some point.

All in all, just another episode.

The chat room was vibrant again…it’d be great to see you be part of that vibrancy. The four of us are there every Wednesday at 10 pm EST/7 pm PST with the chat room, doing this thing we do on the live stream.

Productive Magazine: The Seventh Issue

I’ve been contributing regularly to Productive Magazine since its debut and the latest issue features my satirical take on making agreements. Or saying “yes” to everything. Or both.

The point I make is that by saying “yes” to everything you are saying “no” to getting stuff done.3 Michael Sliwiniski and his team consistently put together a one-stop resource for your productivity needs, and this issue is no different. This issue also features an interview with Michael Hyatt and contributions from “web-lebrities” such as Leo Babauta of Zen Habits fame. You can download this free publication here, as well as grab all of the back issues there should you so desire.

I’m thinking you should desire.

1 The other “lots” include parenting, exercising and more parenting..
2 He either sucks the same now or slightly less.
3 Of course, you’ll need to read between the lines to get that…but you just got the Cliffs Notes version here. But if you want the “funny”, you should read the piece.