My Upcoming IdeaWave Talk: Mindfulness 2.0

Next weekend I’ll be speaking at IdeaWave, a cool little festival of ideas that I’ve had the pleasure of being part of since its inception. My talk — slated to be no longer than seven minutes — is going to be about Mindfulness 2.0.
What exactly is Mindfulness 2.0?

Well, you’ll have to come to the talk to get all of the details, but here’s a bit of a teaser:

“Mindfulness 2.0 is about my belief that we are on the verge of a new age of mindfulness — and I discuss how this has managed to happen. I believe that productivity systemization and mindfulness are beginning to intersect to the point where we have gone beyond simple to-do lists and are moving towards to-be lists. We are no longer just interested in “doing” productive, we are striving to “be” productive — and in the things we really are passionate about. Technology, social media and the Internet can work on either side of that equation — it can distract us or attract us to what we really want out of life — and a new age of mindfulness married with proper use of systems and technology is on the horizon.”

This is a talk I’ve been working on for some time, so if you’re in the Victoria area and want to get your mind on then get your tickets to IdeaWave today. There are limited quantities available and unlimited inspiration available1 should you join me at IdeaWave 2012.

1Unlimited inspiration is unlimited only if recipient is willing to remove said limits.