Nice Emails

I was having a discussion with my friend Dave Morris tonight about comments that you receive on your website. Some of the comments we get don’t add much to the conversation, but most add a whole lot.
I really appreciate the comments left here — and on articles I have written (and will write) elsewhere. If you’ve ever commented on my work here or anywhere else — even on Twitter, Facebook and the like — thank you.

That said…

I really, really appreciate nice emails about my work.

I have receive fewer emails about my work than I have comments, but the fact that the person took the time to go to another method of communication to let me know their thoughts on what I’ve written is something that I value.

Those nice emails are the unexpected treats I find when I check my inbox thrice daily.

And while I respond to those emails each and every time I get them, I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who has ever sent me a nice email about my work.

Thank you so much.