Not So Much With The Mind Mapping

It’s a beautiful day here in Victoria. The sun is shining, it’s relatively warm. I just got back from a week away with my son (who is on the verge of hitting the “terrible twos”) and rather than dive right back into the writing, I thought I’d map out what I am going to write for the rest of the week here.

Turns out mind mapping isn’t something I’m really all that into anymore.

It’s an odd shift for me because I was using mind maps, as evidenced by my post on how I get writing done. Now I’m finding that I’m more of a list guy. I tend to look at things better in that form than in the form of a typical mindmap. Even if I assemble the mind map in a linear fashion, I’m not feeling it as much as I do with a list or outline. Maybe I got into mind mapping too late in the game. Perhaps my brain is fine with the different methods I’ve learned to capture thoughts and is resisting the mind mapping method. Could be that I’m just tired after spending a week with my boy.

I don’t know.

I do know is that I won’t be ditching iThoughts HD on my iPad anytime soon, but maybe it’s time I give OmniOutliner a bit more of a go (although learning another app that is somewhat out of my comfort zone isn’t a top priority right now given all that’s on my plate). Again, I don’t know. But there’s something that came out of this whole “not knowing” business today.

I managed to write about this – something I didn’t intend to do. And tomorrow I’m going to write about one of the other things that has been weighing on my mind a bit more heavily. How do I know that?

Because I have the handwritten list to prove it.

Photo credit: Gord McKenna (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)