Out of Whack

The reason I review is so that I can make sure I’m not getting out of whack. As inconvenient as it may be to look at where the going is taking you, it’s essential. Reviewing helps to remove friction…even though conducting a review can be a form of friction at first.
I’m writing this as I sit in my chiropractor’s office, waiting to get an adjustment. I haven’t seen her in a while — I didn’t feel as if I needed to — but since I began the process of getting back into shape I’ve noticed things weren’t right from the get-go. My left hip feels out of place. It really felt out of whack during my run on Monday. So I’m getting some maintenance done, which might have been averted had I reviewed myself in this regard regularly. If I’d been coming to see my chiropractor even while I wasn’t trying to get into shape then my body wouldn’t have been so out of whack…or perhaps it wouldn’t have been out of whack at all.1

You need to review your body of work — what you’ve done and you still have to do — regularly. That way you can spend less time out of whack and more time on the track.

1 Following my appointment, my chiropractor told me that based on where I’m at, a visit once per season is good. I guess I was in better shape than I thought — or felt.