PAB 2011

My month of “conferencing” wraps up this weekend in Ottawa at PAB 2011. This event features many of the best and brightest in the podcasting and new media realm, as well as plenty of the best and brightest from other realms.
We’re at about the halfway mark of PAB and I’ve been impressed with the quality of the people and the presentations I’ve seen so far. As with any of these events, the best part is the meeting of new folks from various parts of the world…and PAB is no different. And there’s still a Tom more to meet and a ton more to see.

I’ll write up a more comprehensive wrap-up next week (which I still need to do for both World Domination Summit and MaxFunCon), but for now I’m about to check out the Saturday afternoon sessions.

And then there’s the boat cruise. ‘Nuff said…for now.