The Productivityist Podcast: Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle Gielan

We’re “broadcasting happiness” on this episode of The Productivityist Podcast with my guest Michelle Gielan, the bestselling author of Broadcasting Happiness.

Michelle was a national CBS news anchor turned happiness researcher, founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research and has a new special airing on PBS called Inspire Happiness with her husband, fellow happiness researcher Shawn Achor.

On this episode she talks with me about how our attitudes affect our lives and productivity, and learn about:

  • What the idea was and what happened for “Happy Week” when she was still working as an anchor in CBS.
  • Her insights on the influence of the news on the brain based on research she conducted with Shawn Achor and Ariana Huffington.
  • Transforming your relationship to email, our brains’ negativity bias, and how emailing positivity can change your day – and even make you see the world differently.
  • The problem with Happy Monday emails.
  • How important it is to focus on behaviour instead of the person and what are the predictors of long-term success.
  • What things you can do to promote change with people you’re interacting with daily.
  • The importance of words to help people get on a positive track and an experiment that shows how words affect people’s behaviour.
  • How to create a more positive relationship with your to-do list by “recrafting” it to fuel your brain.

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