The Productivityist Podcast: James Sudakow

James Sudakow, author of the book Picking the Low Hanging Fruit, is this episode’s guest and we talk about the language people use in the corporate world.

Every organization or group got acronyms, buzzwords, or phrases that is used on a daily basis. On this episode, James and I discuss how these can benefit organizations – but sometimes cause disconnect in communication. James also reveals some buzzwords that he thinks people should stop using by the end of the year, and how an individual can shift away from the habit of using such words.

Let’s “open the kimono” on this episode and learn about:

  • People’s intentions when they choose to use big words.
  • How to stop this practice in organizations firmly entrenched into such kind of language.
  • James’ list of buzzwords that people should retire from use by the end of 2016, and the most obscure phrases he’s heard.
  • An open letter James wrote on his blog tackling the ridiculous lingo being used in the corporate world.
  • The probability of grandiose language masking larger organizational problems.
  • How acronyms initially intended for efficiency can quickly spiral out of control.
  • One small thing an individual can do that can result in a shift from the practice of using these kind of words and phrases.

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