The Productivityist Podcast: Automating, Growing, and Selling with Joshua Latimer

 In this week’s podcast episode, my guest is Joshua Latimer – the man behind Send Jim and Automate Grow Sell, which help small businesses tap the power of relationship marketing. A few years back, Joshua left his job as a banker at JP Morgan Chase and decided to open a cleaning business in Michigan, which he eventually sold in 2015. He is now based with his family in Costa Rica managing a company that creates more freedom for businesses through automation and systems. Joshua and I chatted about planning, systemizing, theming, and automation among many others. Topics we’ve discussed are:

  • Joshua’s business background, the different business models that inspired him, his motivation to create Send Jim, and it’s 4-year run as a business.
  • The importance of relationship marketing in businesses and how Send Jim can help entrepreneurs harness its power.
  • How he applies theming in his personal life and even created themed days for each of his family member.
  • Joshua’s task management approach to the multiple projects he is running.
  • His fascination with different beliefs, points of view,  and economic and business principles across cultures.
  • Books that captivated his interest and shaped the core paradigms he is currently applying in his business and life.
  • Why he turned down an offer to co-author a book and a lesson about saying no. This resonated with me a lot.
  • Other methods he has put into place like breaking his days into sprints, delegating, and turning things off.
  • What Send Jim does, its market, and why it’s called Send Jim instead of Send Josh.

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Thanks for listening! Until next time, remember to stop guessing…and start going.