The Productivityist Podcast: How to Read More (and Read Better)

I’ve been spending a lot more time reading over the past few years. I’m enjoying it a lot more that I’m making an effort as well. I actually found reading a lot like exercise for a long time, struggling to get going with it and adopting it as a habit. Fiction was especially difficult to get back into because my brain seemed to fight it off more. Why? Probably because it felt that I wouldn’t learn from fiction nearly as much as non-fiction. That’s not true, either. Some of the fiction books I’ve read I’ve learned a lot from. Peaceful Warrior would be one of those and I’m now diving into The Alchemist for the first time to see if it can teach me anything as well.

I’m making time to read more and finding ways to create more time for reading as well. With Blinkist leading the charge (allowing me to digest a book in a single session on the FitDesk) and Audible providing me with another way to “read” more, I know that I’m not going to be able to read more – I’m going to be able to read better.

I talk about my reading workflow and ideas surrounding reading better on this week’s episode of The Productivityist Podcast. If you’re interested in learning about how I manage to read blogs, RSS feeds, and books effectively and efficiently, then give this episode a listen.

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