The Workcation Weekend with Holly Worton


On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Holly Worton. Holly helps entrepreneurs dissolve their blocks and limiting beliefs around money and success. We discussed how Holly has a “Workcation Weekend” at a hotel once per month and uses this time to write books, rebrand her website and more.

Here are a few highlights from the show:

  • How Holly uses what she calls “hyperfocus” by freeing herself from distraction
  • Why she goes to the same hotel for Workcation Weekends and has the same food
  • How to take a Workcation Weekend with kids
  • How Holly prepares for her time away
  • Why it’s helpful to plan ahead for your bookends of the workweek
  • The approach Holly uses to avoid burnout
  • How to set aside time to have your own Workcation Weekend

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