Create Good Mornings with Craig Kulyk

On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Craig Kulyk. Craig writes about how to customize your morning to build better habits and be more productive. We spoke about intentionality, how routines set the tone for the day, how you can shift and adapt your rituals over time and more.
Here are a few highlights from the show:

  • The power of routines
  • Building constraints (or you find yourself eating too many cookies)
  • Starting points at building a routine
  • The idea of sunk costs
  • The role fear of missing out (FOMO) plays in our decision-making process
  • Establishing breathing room or space into your morning routines
  • Questions to ask that are causing challenges in your morning routine
  • Planning your day
  • The power of small changes
  • Different things Craig has tried in his morning routine such as meditation, fasting, etc.
  • Craig’s experience with the Tribe Conference

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