My guest for this episode is Dr. Bryan E. Robinson, author of the book #CHILL: Turn Off Your Job and Turn on Your Life. He is a licensed psychotherapist and Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He currently has a blog on Psychology Today called “The Right Mindset.” He has been interviewed by Forbes, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, among countless other magazines.
During our discussion, I asked Bryan about why this was the book that he needed to write now. He also reveals an easy-to-remember acronym that can help you slow down in a deliberate fashion and what the concept of #CHILL means. Beyond that we talk about the specific structure of the book, how he suggests readers approach the book, why being curious is so important, and more.Relevant Links
- #CHILL: Turn Off Your Job and Turn on Your Life by Bryan E. Robinson | Amazon
- Creative Quest by Questlove | Amazon
- Elizabeth Gilbert | The TED Interview
- Bryan E. Robinson | Website
- Dr. Bryan E. Robinson – @brtherapist | Twitter
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