Episode 300: Get Your Head Out of Your Apps with Matt Ragland

This week I’m joined by fellow productivity enthusiast/specialist/strategist, Matt Ragland. This is a conversation I’ve wanted to have for some time and I’m glad I’m able to deliver it as my 300th episode of The Productivityist Podcast.

Matt is a YouTuber and productivity coach who shows you how to get your head out of your apps and focus on what matters. His ACE method has helped thousands of people create awareness, clarity, and execution on their goals and habits. He lives in Nashville, TN with his wife and two sons.

We spend time talking about habits, the tools he uses, journaling, and much more. If you’re really into productivity practices or simply want to hear two people really “nerd out” about that sort of stuff, then this episode of the podcast is for you.

Talking Points

  • What led Matt to that moment of realization that he needed to “get his head out of his apps?”
  • This is how Matt got past the feeling of the idea that you must use online tools and apps
  • Matt talks about his views on New Year’s resolutions and annual events
  • How does Matt keep the flow of his day moving in a paper planner?
  • This is what journaling looks like for Matt
  • Matt shares whether or not he uses a paper wall calendar

If I see something that matters to me and I know it improves my life, my only goal is really just to be as consistent as I can with it.

– Matt Ragland

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