Episode 320: You and The Internet of Things with Vicki McLeod

Vicki McLeod joins me on this episode of the program. Vicki McLeod is a writer, author, coach, consultant and an award-winning entrepreneur. She is an advocate for mindful business, everyday happiness and living a life rich with meaning. She’s here to talk about her book You and The Internet of Things.

Vicki is the author of several books beyond You and the Internet of Things, A practical guide to understanding and integrating the IoT into your daily life (Self-Counsel Press 2020). She’s also penned #Untrending, A Field Guide to Social Media That Matters, How to Post, Tweet, and Like Your Way to a More Meaningful Life (First Choice 2016) and coauthor of Digital Legacy Plan, A Guide to the Personal and Practical Elements of Your Digital Life Before You Die (Self-Counsel Press 2019) and writes a biweekly newspaper column on the intersection of digital and analog life.

I’ve been friends with Vick for years and wanted to have her share with you some of the concepts around IoT (The Internet of Things), how IoT can work for you, the importance of getting comfortable with technology, and more. I hope you learn a lot from this discussion… I know I did!

Talking Points

  • What is The Internet of Things?
  • Where did Vicki start with buying smart items… and where would she suggest others start?
  • How far does Vicki believe is too far when introducing yourself to The Internet of Things and how can you reign it in if you feel like you’re starting to lose control?
  • How important is it for people to get used to technology being everywhere?
  • Is a fitness tracker a good way to ease into using smart technology?

You need learn how to use it and to develop at least some rudimentary degree of comfort with it.

Vicki McLeod

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