When you run a business, you can’t do it alone. The Productivityist’s Chief of Staff, Vanessa Tharp, jumps on to explain how she supports my journey.
Vanessa Tharp has over 15 years of education, leadership, community building and event planning. She collaborates with people to help create epic events, conferences, retreats, business strategies and product launches. And I would know – she works with me. As Chief of Staff, she’s assisted the growth of The Productivityist in numerous ways, including the BIG Ready.
I found this interview really energizing as we uncovered how to build actionable roadmaps and why she’s not one to niche down. Join us as we discuss being a multipotentialite, leveraging relationships, how she plays an integral part in the business – as well as cupcakes and quicksand training.
Talking Points
- Vanessa’s involvement with the development of The Productivityist
- How to scale without getting stuck
- Vanessa’s approach to taking action with big business tasks
- How to leverage relationships
- Why we need to be more ourselves and embrace the ugly parts
“Through your failures you get data points to work from.”
– Vanessa Tharp
Helpful Links
- Episode 250: 5 Days with John Poelstra
- Efficient Writing with Jim Woods
- The BIG Ready
- The West Wing
- Express VPN
- The Two Day Soirée
- ‘Ego Is The Enemy’ by Ryan Holiday
- Episode 354: How To Decide with Annie Duke
- ‘Can’t Hurt Me’ by David Goggins
- ‘Greenlights’ by Matthew McConaughey
- VanessaTharp.com
- Vanessa’s Facebook
- Vanessa’s Instagram
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