So many organizations are trapped in a culture of meetings, task-switching and analysis paralysis. Steve shares how you can break this cycle and finally take control of your time.
Steve Glaveski joins the show again to talk about his latest findings from his book ‘Time Rich: Do your best work, live your best life’. Steve is the CEO of Collective Campus, an innovation accelerator based in Melbourne and Singapore, that works with large organizations around the globe. As an entrepreneur, author and podcast host, his mission is to unlock the latent potential of people so that they can create more impact for humanity and lead more fulfilling lives.
Where “just working” is a socially validated activity, it’s time to switch things up. In this thoughtful conversation we explore time lessons from stoicism, delegating tasks, and how to experiment with shorter workdays.
Talking Points
- Companies that run like C.R.A.P
- Defining ‘Time Rich’
- Automating versus outsourcing
- The shorter workday experiment
- Setting metrics for shorter workdays
“We are predisposed to follow the path of least effort.”
– Steve Glaveski
Helpful Links
- Episode 225: Going from Employee to Entrepreneur with Steve Glaveski
- ‘Time Rich’ by Steve Glaveski
- The Case for the 6-Hour Workday – Harvard Business Review
- ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport
- ‘On The Shortness of Life’ by Seneca
- ‘Top Five Regrets of the Dying’ by Bronnie Ware
- Woven
- No Filter
- TimeRichBook.com
- SteveGlaveski.com
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