Beat content marketing overwhelm by simply planning on a piece of A4 paper. Tune in as Janet Murray shares her framework that you can work on today.
Through a fascinating career journey in teaching and journalism, Janet Murray made the big switch to run her own business that helps business owners build and engage their online audience. Janet and I go way back, and we’ve met through various places around the world, so I’m excited to finally have her on the show to learn more about how content planning plays such an important role to business success.
Tune in as we explore embracing bigger picture thinking. We discuss daily emails, visual planning, writing with ‘the hook’, learning from journalists, and how Janet time crafts.
Talking Points
- How to plan the bigger picture
- How our personality types and planning work together
- Setting structures so you can be flexible
- Creativity that comes from consistency
- Finding patterns for your content
“The wider your view, the more patterns you see.”
– Janet Murray
Helpful Links
- 2021 Social Media Diary & Planner
- ‘Your Press Release Is Breaking My Heart’ by Janet Murray
- The Janet Murray Show
- Sorted Event
- The Daily Driver
- Systems Saved Me podcast
- Episode 354: How To Decide with Annie Duke
- Episode 343: Consistency Over Authenticity with Seth Godin
- The Next Web
- The BIG Ready
- Jordan Gill on The Janet Murray Show
- Jordan Gill on Life Skills That Matter
- The BIG Ready Week: Stephen Warley
- JanetMurray.co.uk
- Janet’s Instagram
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