Mike Kim joins the show as I rebrand the podcast into ‘A Productive Conversation with Mike Vardy’. Find out how and why your brand evolves over time.
I’m super excited to announce the rebrand of the Productivityist Podcast as ‘A Productive Conversation With Mike Vardy’, and in the spirit of this change I bring on brand and marketing strategist Mike Kim. Mike specializes in personal branding, product launch strategies, and copywriting. In his latest book, You Are The Brand, Mike shares his proven 8-step blueprint that has helped build the brands for some of today’s most influential thought leaders — as well as his own personal brand.
I set out to find out from Mike how to best approach changing your brand. We discuss finding ways to express yourself, logging your progress, his successful (and failed) business pivots, and campfire moments. Enjoy my productive conversation with Mike Kim!
Talking Points
- Losing control vs influence of your brand
- Why you should not rebrand at all once
- The PB3 framework to get business clarity
- Being a how-to-preneur vs idea-preneur
- How to build meaningful relationships through your marketing
“Attention is not owed, it’s earned.”
– Mike Kim
Helpful Links
- YouAreTheBrandBook.com
- ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo
- The Five Minute Journal
- Brand You podcast
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