Jeff Brown joins the show to share what the most successful leaders have in common: reading. Find out how it unlocks limitless creativity and influence.
Jeff Brown was a reluctant reader at school, but he fell in love with it when he had to learn more about marketing in his career. Jeff is a podcaster, mentor, and speaker, with a mission to help people like you bridge the gap between intention and implementation. He does this primarily through public speaking, mastermind groups, membership platforms, courses, coaching, and consulting.
I’m excited to learn more about his latest book, which co-authored with Jesse Wisnewski, ‘Read to Lead: The Simple Habit That Expands Your Influence and Boosts Your Career’. In this productive conversation we explore book clubs, speed reading, being a co-author, the free library movement – and why there will always be a place for books. Be sure to check out the links for all the books we mentioned in this interview!
Talking Points
- Jeff’s relationship with reading
- The co-authoring experience
- Reading books digitally versus physically
- When to keep or let go of books
- The books Jeff re-reads the most
- Interesting findings from writing the book
- A process for skim reading
- The benefits of having a book club
“We are all lifelong learners.“
– Jeff Brown
Helpful Links
- ‘Read To Lead’ by Jeff Brown and Jesse Wisnewski
- Episode 343: Consistency Over Authenticity with Seth Godin
- ‘Purple Cow’ by Seth Godin
- How to Be a Better Reader – YouTube
- Episode 360: A World Without Email with Cal Newport
- Episode 229: Exploring Digital Minimalism with Cal Newport
- Episode 73: Deep Work with Cal Newport
- ‘Digital Minimalism’ by Cal Newport
- ‘Punch Failure in the Face’ by David Knapp-Fisher
- ‘Anything You Want’ by Derek Sivers
- ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team’ by Patrick M. Lencioni
- ‘Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day’ by Todd Henry
- Episode 340: Your Motivation Code with Todd Henry
- Episode 54: Voice Lessons with Todd Henry
- ‘Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smart’ by Liz Wiseman
- ‘How to Take Smart Notes’ by Sönke Ahrens
- ‘Getting Things Done’ by David Allen
- Episode 203: The Evolution of Getting Things Done with David Allen
- ‘Greenlights’ by Matthew McConaughey
- ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’ by Og Mandino
- ReadToLeadBook.com
- Read To Lead Podcast
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