Business strategist Perry Marshall has benefited hugely from the 80/20 principle and having more free time to create. He shares a clear path forward that will help you eliminate wasted effort.
Endorsed in FORBES and INC Magazine and has authored eight books, Perry Marshall is one of the most expensive business strategists in the world. At London’s Royal Society he announced the world’s largest science research challenge: the $10 million Evolution 2.0 Prize. His reinvention of the Pareto Principle is published in Harvard Business Review, and his Google book laid the foundations for the $100 billion Pay Per Click industry. He has a degree in Engineering and lives with his family in Chicago.
I found Perry’s latest book ‘Detox, Declutter, Dominate: How to Excel by Elimination’ truly fascinating (it reveals a lot in just 36 pages), so it was great to unpack some of his key insights. In this productive conversation we discuss the elimination mindset, free-writing, email response times, morning walks and written down bucket lists.
Talking Points
- The breaking point that lead Perry to write his book ‘Detox, Declutter, Dominate’
- The key to Renaissance Time
- How to get past “I don’t have time for XYZ”
- The two types of work: instructional and creative
- Finding out what creates your creative juices
- The principle of the $2700 espresso machine
- Perry’s morning journal routine
“Space in your life starts here.“
– Perry Marshall
Helpful Links
- ‘Detox, Declutter, Dominate’ by Perry Marshall
- Episode 351: Eating Frogs with Brian Tracy
- ‘Hemingway’ documentary
- ‘The Art of Impossible’ by Steven Kotler
- Understanding the Job – Clayton Christensen talk
- ‘The 80/20 Principle’ by Richard Koch
- Episode 385: Adii Pienaar talks about Measuring Life Profitability
- ‘Life Profitability’ by Adii Pienaar
- 42: the wildly improbable ideas of Douglas Adams – Kickstarter
- PerryMarshall.com
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