Episode 398: Juliet Funt talks about a Minute to Think

Juliet Funt shares how to reclaim time for thinking and make room for what truly matters. It’s time to interlace our days with more white space.

Juliet Funt is a renowned keynote speaker and tough-love advisor to the Fortune 500 who is regularly featured in top global media outlets, including Forbes and Fast Company. She is a white-space warrior as the founder and CEO of The Juliet Funt Group, helping business leaders and organizations to unleash their full potential by unburdening talent from busywork. Juliet has earned one of the highest ratings in the largest speaking event in the world, and she has worked with brands such as Spotify, National Geographic, Vans, Costco, Pepsi, Nike, Wells Fargo and ESPN.

Juliet shares some key insights from her book ‘A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work’. We also discuss finding your spark, making time for mental space, why we fill time, the humane element of productivity – and increasing the sales of salmon tips.

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Talking Points

  • Performative busyness
  • The curse of insatiability
  • How to not confuse activity with productivity
  • What is white space?
  • Time sketching
  • Taking one minute to think
  • Establishing your non-negotiable white spaces

Interlace space throughout the day.

Juliet Funt

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