Episode 400: Dan Clark talks about Brain.fm, Functional Music and Mental States

Find out how functional music can help you reach your desired mental state from the CEO of Brain.fm, Dan Clark.

Brain.fm creates music that sounds different – and affects your brain differently – than any other music. Their science-first approach helps steer you into a desired mental state. How Dan joined the company is an interesting story, which you’ll find out in this interview. Fast forward to today, he is now the CEO.

It was fascinating to learn about how music affects our mental state and productivity. Join us as we discuss the scientific effects of function music, how Brain.fm works, finding your ‘power song’, and what he’s learnt from practising martial arts.

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Talking Points

  • How what you listen to has an impact on your productivity
  • Their science-first approach to functional music
  • How Brain.fm compliments other productivity ‘hacks’
  • Active working and planning
  • The difference between binaural beats and Brain.fm
  • Power songs

The better tools you have, the better you can dive into a task.

Dan Clark

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