Over the past 7+ years of hosting this podcast, I noticed something: I’ve never gone back into previous conversations and revisited them with you. So I decided to make that more of a thing going forward.
The first episode of this podcast that I felt deserved to get pulled out from the vault was the one where noticing was the topic of conversation. Rob Walker knows a thing or two about noticing.
I’ve gone back to his book a few times since I was first sent a copy to read for our discussion back in May 2019. Considering that I focus on the importance of both intention and attention when it comes to time management and productivity, noticing is a natural thing for me to explore further. Noticing is a habit that I need to nurture. As Rob so aptly put during our conversation:
“It is not about your skill at noticing, more on the habit of noticing that sort of forces you to see differently and to see things that you weren’t looking for.”
I’m getting better at noticing. I trust after you listen to this conversation – and pick up Rob’s book – that you will too.
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Show Notes
- Connect with Rob: Website | Tumblr | Facebook | Twitter
- Rob’s Book: The Art of Noticing
- Rob’s Email Newsletter: The Art of Noticing Newsletter
- Another Rob Walker Thing I Think You’d Like: Workologist
- Related Conversation: Episode 238 of A Productive Conversation
- Related Blog Post: What Noticing Does
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Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later.