Episode 412: Brittany Wagner talks about not giving up, taking a chance, and vulnerability

When Brittany Wagner reached out to be on the program, I honestly didn’t know that she was on a dock-series that I’d added to my Netflix queue called “Last Chance U.”

I started to go through some of the episodes and found Brittany to be, indeed, the breakout star of the show.

While Brittany is best known for her role on said hit Netflix docu-series, she’s a nationally respected athletic academic counselor. She wears a lot of other hats as well: mentor, mother, professor, and entrepreneur. She’s currently a professor at the University of Montevallo and – here’s another hat she wears – also is a motivational speaker.

We spoke about the honest and vulnerability she put into her book, “Next Chance You: Tools, Tips, and Tough Love for Bringing Your A-Game to Life” along with elements that she and those she mentors face time and time again – things like the importance of choice and dealing with overwhelm.

I didn’t know quite what to expect going into this conversation. But once I was in it, I really enjoyed it. I trust you will, too.

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